Happy belated 2024, everyone!

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, I’m inconsistent at best with blog posts. I struggle with finding something interesting for you all to read, honestly. Most of my subscribers are non-writers, so discussing my writing process isn’t the right content. Do you all have any suggestions on what you’d like to see here and in my newsletters (which I haven’t launched in a while, too!) in 2024?

Starting Something New in 2024

2024 is shaping up to be a big year for me. I have many personal things going on behind the scenes that are new and exciting, and then the biggest news is that Conjoined will be hitting your bookshelves in the Spring! Can you believe it? I’m still pinching myself. 

Another confession? I’m fretting and wringing my hands over the marketing aspect. How do I convince people who don’t know me to read my book? How do I find reviewers and get my novel in their hands? And what do I do if you don’t like it? That last one is not as concerning because even if you hate it, it will be a lesson learned for the next one. But if no one reads the first one, will there even be a second one?! Do you see the crazy spinning in my head?!

Help Me in 2024!

My hope is that I can trust you, dear subscribers and followers, to help me get the word out. Hit up your favorite bookseller, pre-order or buy the book, and leave a review! Preferably within a few days of buying it because that’s what the algorithms look for in moving books into the spotlight.

Beyond marketing and learning the ropes of what to do AFTER you publish a book, I’ve already started on the next one! You’ll find a description under the BOOKS tab at the top of the page, or simply click the link right HERE.No Reservations’ is a story I started before ‘Conjoined,’ actually, but I became stuck over some of the legalese that is a backdrop for the story. I’m hoping it will be completed by the end of 2024 for a release next spring (or sooner, if you like my debut novel enough!)

Exciting Changes Ahead

All in all, this is going to be an exciting year for your friend, KT! How about you? Do you have any big plans or events coming up this year that you want to share? Leave a comment below and let me know! And if you have a friend you think would like to hop on board my crazy train, share this post or send them to my website, where a popup will convince them to join my newsletter list. I’m planning on sharing some of the cuts from Conjoined that you might find interesting as the year progresses. They’ll only be for my newsletter subscribers, so make sure you are signed up!

Thank You!

I appreciate your support over the years…many of you here from the beginning. And CHEERS to a prosperous 2024!


© Copyright 2024 KT George | This post first appeared on ktgeorge.com


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Oh, The Places You’ll Go in 2024!

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